Monday, November 1, 2010


Sorry it's been a while since I last posted.  What happened was I was typing one for a while, decided it was stupid, and couldn't figure out what else to talk about.

Anyway, late happy halloween!  This weekend was actually pretty interesting.  I dressed up as lt. Jim Dangle.  Friday night, I went to this frat's costume party when I got my ass squeezed by some girl who I didn't know that was walking behind me.  I turned around to look at her and she said "Sorry," in a really sassy way.  I use the word "sassy" because that really is the best word to describe how she said it.  I guess I deserved the ass squeeze since I was wearing short-shorts and all.  It still caught me off guard though.  I also ran into a friend of mine who is also gay.  The second he saw me, he yelled "Save me!" and literally fell into my arms.  He's a lot taller than me, so I lost my balance for a second while catching him lol.  I wasn't sure what he wanted me to save him from, but I figured he wanted me to pull him away from the people he was with.  I tried pulling him away, but he went back to them so I just left him.

Next day I asked him what was up, he apologized, explains he gets really affectionate when he's drunk and was very embarrassed.  I told him I was the same and not to worry about it.

Later that night, I was at my house hosting my own party when he sends me a text saying that he wanted to get drunk again.



I invite him to my place, telling him that I was having a small party, and that people would be getting drunk.  When I'm sober, I don't go for hook-ups or anything like that, but I was already drinking at that point............. and I'm affectionate when I'm drunk.......... and................ moving on.

He sends me a reply saying that he still feels sick from the night before and probably shouldn't drink.



I tell him that he could still come over if he wanted to and not drink since not everyone would, but he never shows up.  Damn it........ oh well. probably for the best in the long run, although I'm still a little upset that it sounded like he wanted to get drunk with me then backed out after I offered.

Anyway, how was everyone's halloween? what did you dress up as? also, if you'll notice on the right side of the page, I now have a formspring account. "Ask Me Anything."  I'll answer anything I feel comfortable answering.  I won't answer anything along the lines of who am I, where do I live, etc, but I'll probably answer most other quetions


  1. wait, what?
    you only hook-up with guys when youre drunk?
    be careful.. and be safe....

    ~ cheers...

    p.s... great choice for a halloween costume btw....

  2. Yeah.... I don't really like the idea of hooking up. Never done it actually. Thing is, combination of being drunk and being single for a little over 5 months, my decision making skills weren't at their finest. The fact that my last relationship started last Halloween probably didn't help either....
    Can't say I condone my own behavior.
    I don't think anything would've actually happened if he did come over. I only drink when I have close friends with me, and they wouldn't leave me alone with some guy while I'm drunk.

    I guess the lesson of this story is: be very careful when you're lonely/drunk.
