Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I love you, Dad

I'm home for Thanksgiving Break.  My dad and I went out to dinner the other night, just the two of us.  He started talking to me about how he's recently taken an open stance at his workplace against discriminating against LGBT people.  I personally don't know too much about the environment that he works in, but he claims that many of his co-workers show a lot of discomfort when it comes to hiring an openly LGBT person.  He makes it sound like his workplace is overall not very welcoming.  He wants to change this and sounds pretty passionate about it.  I'm not sure what exactly he plans to do, but I have faith in him.  He's good at getting what he wants lol.

We got to talking about homosexuality and homophobia in general.  I made the comment that sometimes it seems like most straight people don't care much about LGBT issues unless they are close to someone who is LGBT.  My dad quickly defended himself by saying that he's always been supportive of LGBT people.

I'm sure my dad has never had anything against gay people.  At the same time, I don't think he really cared or thought about gay rights much until I came out.  Before I came out, my dad never said anything about the issue.  I remember because that made it really hard for me to figure out whether or not he'd be supportive of me if I came out.  Now that I'm out, he's been going to these diversity seminars and has taken this stance at work.  I don't think he would be doing these things if he didn't know that these issues affected one of his kids.

I didn't want to bring this up with him.  Usually, when I do stuff like that, he denies it and becomes incredibly defensive.  He tries too hard to be perfect sometimes.  I think he's afraid that I might think less of him if he admitted that he hadn't really cared until I came out.  I wouldn't.  I wouldn't hold it against him at all.  I guess he thinks that he shouldn't have needed me as a reason to care; that he should've been a good enough person to care anyway.  None of that matters to me.  He's done his best to be there for me, and that's all I can ask for.  I'm proud of him, no matter what.  I hope he understands that.  I'm not really good at expressing my feelings towards him.

I love you, Dad.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Do masculine bi guys exist?

It's late. I have a paper to write, but I don't want to.

I know this is a really stupid question to ask, but it was actually brought up to me a couple weeks ago.
Do masculine bisexual guys exist?
I was talking to this girl, and she was convinced that masculine bi guys do not exist.
Feminine bi guys exist
Feminine gay guys exist
Masculine gay guys exist
All girls are bisexual to some extent (masculine or feminine)
But masculine bi guys don't exist.  'If you're masculine and you like to put your dick there, you have to be pretty gay."

I didn't know how to respond to this.  Thoughts? (BDNY, Joey, I hope you're reading this post. I'd love to hear what you have to say lol)

Monday, November 15, 2010

2 Girls, 1 Robbie.

Long story short.
I went  to a party sponsored by my school's GSA.  Wound up getting drunk.  Woke up the next morning with two girls in my bed.

Funny how omitting certain details in a story can drastically alter its meaning.
Here's what really happened.  Like I said, my school's GSA was hosting one of its parties.  Every year at my school, these parties are probably the biggest and most popular parties of the year.  We top just about every frat party.  No one knows how to party like the gays I guess.  Hosting a drag show during these dances probably doesn't hurt either.  Anyway, I volunteered to be sober driver for my friend and her roommate, both of whom were now 21 and wanted to get the full experience of these dances.  Anyway, after the dance, we went back to my place.  They felt bad that I wasn't able to be drunk with them at the dance, so they treated me to the rest of what they had in order to get me to catch up.  At this point, I was in no condition to drive them home.  I was also uncomfortable with them walking home.  I told them they needed to crash at my place and go back in the morning.  They agreed, and chose to sleep in my queen-sized bed with me, rather than sleeping on the couch or chairs in my living room. Can't say I blame them.  My bed is pretty fucking comfy.  Besides, how many times do you get the chance to say "I got a gay guy drunk and would up sleeping with him?" lol.
Needless to say, I 'slept' with two girls that night, though nothing ever happened. (I'm shuddering at the thought)
The next day, I texted on of my straight friends this message "Went to the dance last night. got drunk. woke up with 2 girls in my bed this morning..........score?"  He got a kick out of it after I explained what really happened.
He said I probably would've preferred the opposite.  Haha maybe.  I  was pretty drunk after the dance.  Don't know how I would've felt actually walking up the next day though.

I actually could've gotten a hook-up if I really wanted to.  There was this one guy I know who was there who's got a bit of a reputation.  He was hitting on me a lot.  It was getting on my nerves.  He shares a class with me and he gets on my nerves there as well.  Not planning on hooking up with him anytime soon.

On an unrelated note, within 2 days, my previous post received more views than any of my previous posts have ever received.  This Dave Karofsky story must really be big news for people.  I heard that Max Adler is in the process of making a video for the It Gets Better Project  Here is Mr. Max Adler's video


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Glee "Never Been Kissed"

As some of you may already know, I'm a big fan of Glee.  Yes, I'm aware that it's probably gayer than Queer as Folk, and that I'm very stereotypical for liking it. fuck off.

Anyway,  this week's episode was a very significant one for a number of reasons.  It seems like it was written in response to all of the suicides that have been happening recently and came off as a bit of an afterschool special.
Still, it was overall a good episode that touched on some important issues.


Some backstory:  one of the show's main characters is Kurt Hummel.  Kurt is a gay highschool student who came out early on in the series.  While Kurt was initially portrayed as little more than a one-dimentional stereotype, he quickly became the most interesting character on the show.  The scenes revolving around Kurt's sexuality are probably the best moments in the show.  Much of this is due to the incredible acting of Chris Colfer, who plays Kurt, and Mike O'Mally, who plays his father, Burt.  The great quality of these scenes is also due to how well written and grounded they are.  The scene where Kurt comes out to his father was positive yet realistic, with Burt being immediately supportive but admittedly not 100% comfortable with the idea.

What happened on this episode:
Kurt's been dealing with bullying like he has for the past season and a half.  As the only out kid at his school, he is targeted quite a bit for his sexuality.  However, he seems to be experiencing more than usual lately, mostly from a football player named Dave Karofsky.  Because of this, along with the suggestion by his fellow glee-clubbers to spy on their competition, Kurt decides to visit Dalton Academy, an all-boys boarding school.  While there, he meets an opening gay character named Blaine.  Blaine is somewhat of an idealized character, being openly gay, completely accepted by his friends and lacking any apparent character flaw.  Blaine explains that he transferred to Dalton because he couldn't take the bullying at his own school.  Kurt considers transferring to Dalton himself, but Blaine recommends that Kurt face his homophobia head on, rather than run away from it like he did.

Kurt follows this advice.  After coming back to his own high school, Kurt is shoved into some lockers by Dave.  Kurt chases after him into the boy's locker room.  Kurt confronts Dave, and the more Kurt tells Dave off, the more anxious and upset Dave gets.  The scene climaxes when Dave pulls Kurt in for a long, hard kiss.  Kurt is so shocked that he doesn't move.  When Dave tries to kiss him again, Kurt pushes him back, and Dave storms off in a tantrum.

Later in the episode, Kurt tries to confront Dave again, this time with the help of Blaine.  Blaine tries to empathize with Dave, but Dave denies the kiss ever happened and storms off.

First of all, I have to give props to Max Adler, the actor who plays Dave Karofsky, for delivering an amazing performance last night.  His acting was incredibly believable,  I was also very impressed that the show decided to give a previously very minor character a very interesting storyline.  I know, a closeted gay male who tries to deny/hide his own sexuality by beating up other gay kids is nothing new, but a storyline like this one has a lot of potential.  I think there are a lot of guys out there who are like Dave. So far, Kurt's done a good job representing a lot of problems that gay teen males face, particularly effeminate ones.  However, a single character can't encompass every problem faced.  That's why Dave can be a great addition to the show.  As a big, masculine football player, he can represent the problems that masculine gay teens face.  It would be even better if Dave's parents were introduced, and they turn out to not be supportive of their son's sexuality.  While that's a horrible thing to happen, it is a reality for many gay kids and I think it would be good to represent that.

I was a little disappointed that Dave was the only homophobic football player shown in this episode.  Personally, I think it would've been good if Azimio, another football player who is frequently seen bullying with Dave, was included and seen bullying Kurt.  I think that would show that while some homophobic people are trying to hide their own sexuality, some are simply homophobic.  It would also shed more light on Dave's personal problems.  Not only does he have to hear gay jokes and other homophobic remarks, but he has to hear them come from his closest friends.  He also has to say them himself in order to maintain his image.  I supposed the show has time to do this in the future, but I don't think it would've hurt to show a little bit of it now.

anyway, that's my rant on glee.  And yes, I do want to see Kurt and Dave (eventually) get together. Eventually

If you want to see the episode, click here

If you want to see the big confrontation, click here

If Dave really does become more fleshed out, and I really hope he does, he'll probably sing eventually.  I've heard that Max Adler did musical theater in high school, so he probably has at least some skill.
Some songs I could picture Dave singing:
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (just replace the feminine pronouns with masculine ones)
Mr. Brightside by the Killers
Shadow Stabbing by Cake
Streets of Philadelphia by Bruce Springsteen
and maybe Here's Where I Stand by Tiffany Taylor

Monday, November 1, 2010


Sorry it's been a while since I last posted.  What happened was I was typing one for a while, decided it was stupid, and couldn't figure out what else to talk about.

Anyway, late happy halloween!  This weekend was actually pretty interesting.  I dressed up as lt. Jim Dangle.  Friday night, I went to this frat's costume party when I got my ass squeezed by some girl who I didn't know that was walking behind me.  I turned around to look at her and she said "Sorry," in a really sassy way.  I use the word "sassy" because that really is the best word to describe how she said it.  I guess I deserved the ass squeeze since I was wearing short-shorts and all.  It still caught me off guard though.  I also ran into a friend of mine who is also gay.  The second he saw me, he yelled "Save me!" and literally fell into my arms.  He's a lot taller than me, so I lost my balance for a second while catching him lol.  I wasn't sure what he wanted me to save him from, but I figured he wanted me to pull him away from the people he was with.  I tried pulling him away, but he went back to them so I just left him.

Next day I asked him what was up, he apologized, explains he gets really affectionate when he's drunk and was very embarrassed.  I told him I was the same and not to worry about it.

Later that night, I was at my house hosting my own party when he sends me a text saying that he wanted to get drunk again.



I invite him to my place, telling him that I was having a small party, and that people would be getting drunk.  When I'm sober, I don't go for hook-ups or anything like that, but I was already drinking at that point............. and I'm affectionate when I'm drunk.......... and................ moving on.

He sends me a reply saying that he still feels sick from the night before and probably shouldn't drink.



I tell him that he could still come over if he wanted to and not drink since not everyone would, but he never shows up.  Damn it........ oh well. probably for the best in the long run, although I'm still a little upset that it sounded like he wanted to get drunk with me then backed out after I offered.

Anyway, how was everyone's halloween? what did you dress up as? also, if you'll notice on the right side of the page, I now have a formspring account. "Ask Me Anything."  I'll answer anything I feel comfortable answering.  I won't answer anything along the lines of who am I, where do I live, etc, but I'll probably answer most other quetions