Sunday, September 12, 2010


So I've been looking through my Stats application on my blog page, which lets me see how many hits each post gets, what countries view my blog and how many hits I've gotten from them, how many hits I've got from different browsers, and what methods people use to get to my site (such as using google, linking from another blog, etc). This app really isn't that accurate; according to it, I have more comments than page views on certain posts. I do get some interesting stats though. For example, approximately 1% of my audience views my blog using Nintendo Wii, which I approve of. I have a surprisingly large number of people from other continents reading my blog. Naturally, most of my audience finds me through Maddie's, BDNY's and Green and Purple's blogs (thanks guys!) One person found my blog when he seached for "gay tai kwon do top." I'm not sure if he was looking for my site or someone else's, but I thought it was pretty funny.

To any of my fellow blogger's out there: are there any amusing stats that you've been given?
To anyone reading this: How did you find my blog?


  1. the post is only counted as a "hit" if you click on the title directly, like in the blogger reading list. If someone just goes to your home page, they can still leave comments without it counting as a "hit" to that specific post.

    I counted the number of countries that visited my blog and I think it was close to 100, just amazing to think of people in the middle of the pacific ocean checking out my blog! Wonder how many times it's by accident. I've been a regular reader :)

    -Taylor (pilot living two lives)

  2. I stumbled upon your blog because when someone new starts following me I like to look and see what other blogs they might be following. Your blog was listed as one of the blogs they follow and the name caught my eye.

    Very interesting blog. I'd like to offer my comments as encouragment to continue your writing.


  3. I am from brazil and i think i found your blog via other blog that i can't remember (i read a lot of blogs). I love your blog. Keep blogging.

  4. You came up on my google alerts. The magazine I work for is doing an "Out on Campus" article for November and our Editor may contact you about participating. He may ask if you're out.

  5. Man. I'm really impressed and honored that my blog has reached all the way to a different continent.
